Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fear of Labor: Managing Fear of Childbirth Effectively

Doctors say, a majority of first-time moms and many experienced moms, too, can get extremely jittery, edgy and apprehensive as the pregnancy due date approaches. Even the calmest mother-to-be will experience some degree of fretfulness as the delivery draws near. Meditation during pregnancy can help alleviate some degree of eagerness, nervousness and the fear of the unknown.
Pregnancy Meditation: Preparing For Childbirth

Also, all health care practitioners advocate meditating and relaxing techniques to quell fear and angst. Meditating on a regular basis can help allay several physiological symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, anxiety and worry, trepidation, acidity, insomnia, and high blood pressure. What’s more, it helps connect with your baby and makes you empowered as a mother.

Meditation will help you focus your mind to attain peace, calm, stillness and tranquility. Meditating everyday will help you relax and prepares you better for childbirth and deliver. It releases al fears and helps you give birth with ease.

Benefits of Meditation: Pregnancy and Meditation

If you are giving birth for the first time, you may have fears about birth pains or about being a parent. If you are already a mother you may be concerned about bringing up another child. Whatever may be the case, meditation will greatly enhance your pregnancy and childbirth experience.
When you meditate, you not only calm yourself, but pass on the sense of well being via the placenta to your baby.
A reassuring method would be to note down your points of concern about labor and delivery and discussing them with your gynecologist before your due date.

Meditation to Calm Your Fears
Meditation for Pregnancy and Childbirth

This meditation technique will help control most worries and apprehensions that you have about childbirth and delivery. More importantly, it helps connect with the baby physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually; it will help both you as well as your baby.

  • Stretch out on your bed, and make yourself comfortable. Prop pillows under your back and knees.
  • Breathe normally for about 25 breaths, calming all anxiety and worry.
  • Place your hands on your lower abdomen and connect with your baby. Visualize the tiny body and mentally breathe in to it, sending peace and calm in to the baby, so that he grows in to a strong, healthy, happy baby.
  • Tell your baby that he is sacred and has an important place in the universe.
  • Visualize the birth and delivery going very smoothly and without any difficulty.
  • Imagine holding your baby and falling in love with him instantly. Commit to being the best parent to your child.
  • Focus on your breath again and end the session when you are ready.

Treatment of Milia Removal in Newborns: Milia Cure in Babies

It can be rather distressing to see your beautiful baby’s skin covered in small white bumps, but these aren't contagious or painful. What’s more, they go away without any treatment within 2 to 3 weeks. Milia usually doesn't require any treatment, however it is important for you to be aware about the causes and basic home based treatment to cure the condition.
Milia is Fairly Common
 in Newborns
Milia are very small white bumps that are commonly seen around the baby's nose, cheeks or chin. Milia can emerge at any age; however, they are more common among newborns. In fact, about half of all babies tend to develop milia. Milia cannot be prevented; and there is no treatment for milia; nonetheless, it invariably disappears on its own.

What is Milia?: Milia in Newborn Babies
Milia are also called milk spots or an oil seeds; they are keratin filled cysts that develop beneath the epidermis. They are frequently associated with newborns and by and large, fade away in 2 to 4 weeks. 

Milia Treatment: Cure for Milia in Babies

Milia normally vanish on their own within several weeks, and no medical treatment is advocated. Simple home based care and hygyine is recommended,
  • Make sure the baby's face is clean. Wash the face with warm water every day. If your baby's skin is somewhat oily, particularly around the nose, you may use a mild moisturizing soap.
  • Pat your baby's face dry. Do not rub the skin.
  • Never pinch or scrub the white bumps. Also do not use any lotion, oil or cream on your baby's skin.
  • After about a month, you may use olive oil or coconut oil or avocado oil for your baby. However, do ensure that the oils and pure and unadulterated and seek your pediatrician’s opinion before embarking upon massage.
Milia Removal and Milia Cure: Tips to Treat Milia in Newborns

Milia fade away in a few weeks, while sometimes they may last for a month or two. Doctors advise against the use of creams or ointments. Also, do not squeeze the bumps to make them go away faster; it could result in extreme scarring. Vigorously washing and scrubbing must never be done either; it will irritate your baby's delicate skin.

What Causes Milia?: Milia Causes in Babies

Milia develop when flakes of skin or dead skin get trapped in small pockets near the surface of the skin. When the surface of the tiny white bump wears away, the dead skin gets sloughed off and the bump vanishes.

Milia on Face, Milia under Eyes: Milia in Newborns

Milia are commonly appear on the baby's face – especially under the eyes, and around the nose, chin or cheeks, although they can develop in other areas, such as on the upper trunk and limbs as well.
At times similar tiny white bumps may be seen on the baby's gums or the roof of the mouth; these are ‘Epstein pearls’; these are harmless too.

Home Remedies for Constipation in Babies: Constipation Relief for Babies

Constipation is commoner in bottle-fed babies than in breastfed babies; in fact, constipation in breastfed babies is rather rare. Constipation usually occurs as your baby starts eating solid foods. On the other hand, constipation in newborn babies can occur as well; there are several constipation remedies for babies along with certain natural cures that you can follow.

Constipation in Newborns

In the early months, the frequency of passing motion depends up on whether he is being breastfed or bottle-fed. Breastfed babies pass stool several times in a day in the first few weeks, and then may pass only once or twice in the week.
Bottle-fed babies pass one firm motion every day, although some may have a motion every 3 days.
Don’t worry; you will soon become familiar with your baby's grimaces and grunts as he works on the bowel movements.
Starting Solid Foods Can
Trigger Constipation

Signs of Constipation in Babies

Look out for these signs to ascertain whether your baby is constipated:
  • Crying, irritability, crabbiness, pain before or while passing stools
  • Dry, hard, pellet-like stools
  • Straining at stool
  • Less than 3 motions per week
  • Foul-smelling, offensive wind
  • Hard belly
  • Reduced appetite
  • Occasionally, very liquid motion may also be an indication of constipation. Liquid stools slip past the obstruction of hard feces in the lower intestine.
What Causes Constipation in Babies? 

There are a host of causes why your baby may be constipated:
  • Formula milk: babies taking formula milk are more likely to develop constipation given that formula is harder to digest than breast milk, making stools firm and bulky. Changing the brand of formula milk is also a significant cause. Conversely, a breastfed baby is less prone to constipation; and breast milk always produces stools that are soft, even if the baby hasn't had a motion for a few days.
  • Introducing food: when babies start solid foods, they tend to get constipated since their bodies learn how to deal with the new foods. When you start your baby on solid food, you must increase the fluid intake. Starting with low fiber foods or not giving adequate amounts of fluids contributes to constipation.
  • Inadequate feed: not getting sufficient milk can cause constipation. The baby may refuse milk in case of oral thrush, a cold, throat infection or ear infection.
  • Dehydration: Not drinking ample water with solid foods can trigger constipation and make the stools hard, dry and difficult to pass.
  • Medical condition or illness: food allergies and food poisoning are important causes too. Rarely, constipation may be caused due to congenital conditions. Disorders such as Hirschprung's disease, ano-rectal malformation, spina bifida and cystic fibrosis have a role to play in the development of constipation in babies.
Remedies for Constipation in Babies: Constipation in Infants and Its Treatment
Here are a few things you could do to alleviate your baby's misery, but do confer with your pediatrician:
  • Move your baby's legs in a bicycling motion very gently; it eases the feces along the colon.
  • If your baby is drinking formula milk, ensure that she has extra water in between feeds; however do not dilute the formula. Large quantities of milk powder are dehydrating, so make sure you use the advised amount.
  • If your baby is 1year old, give her fruits, such as, dates, raisins, peaches, figs, prunes and plums; these add bulk to the stools and help expel stools quickly.
Prunes are Excellent to Treat Constipation
How to Treat Constipation in Babies?
  • Water: For babies, who are 6 to 8 months old, give about 2 to 4 ounces of water daily. It is vital to remember that water should not replace normal feedings of milk.
  • Fruit juice: In case water doesn't help, give your baby fruit juice; fruits that are recommended are - apples, pears, and prunes. Begin with 2 to 4 ounces of juice in addition to the regular feeds.
  • Glycerin suppository: In cases of severe constipation (obstipation) that isn’t responding to any natural treatment; place an infant glycerin suppository into your baby's anus. However, these are meant only for occasional use.
Try not to be too anxious if your baby gets constipated; it is expected to happen now and then, particularly if she is formula-fed or has embarked on a diet of solid foods. These home remedies and natural treatments will regularize the bowel movements again.

Treating Constipation in Pregnant Women: Pregnancy Constipation Home Remedies

Constipation is a relatively common problem during pregnancy. There are a host of causative factors that are responsible for constipation among pregnant women. Opting for over the counter laxatives is not recommended. Here are some natural home remedies and lifestyle tips for constipation during pregnancy for an effective and speedy cure.
Pregnancy Constipation and Constipation Home Remedies
Constipation affects at least half of all pregnant women. The primary triggers are an enlarging uterus, along with pregnancy hormones, which decelerate the passage of food through the digestive system. 
Nevertheless, refrain from taking laxatives; some are known to cause painful bowel contractions that have severe repercussions on the uterus. Opt for home remedies and food prescriptions to ease the constipation and regularize the bowel movement.
Causes of Constipation during Pregnancy

The principal cause of constipation is the hormone progesterone that causes a relaxation of the smooth muscles throughout the body, including the muscles of the GI tract. Consequently, food passes through the bowels more slowly. Here are some other factors that contribute to constipation during pregnancy,
  • Iron supplement that you need for anemia has a constipating effect.
  • The blooming uterus puts added pressure and constriction on to the rectum
  • Changes in the diet due to morning sickness are another significant cause
  • Stress contributes to constipation as well
  • A sedentary lifestyle further aggravates the problem
Symptoms of Constipation: Constipation in Pregnant Women

You are constipated in case you haven’t had bowel movement for 2 or more days. While constipation may be associated with a host of gastro-intestinal symptoms, some of the more frequently observed complains among pregnant women include,
  1. The abdomen feels bloated and there is too much flatulence and sensation of gassy stomach
  2. Stool become hard and difficult to pass
  3. Sensation as if you haven’t emptied your bowels completely
  4. Excessive straining for stools, which in turn can lead to piles during pregnancy. You may also see blood in stools
Dates Treat Obstinate Cases of Constipation
Constipation during Pregnancy Remedies: Home Remedies for Constipation in Pregnant Women 

Here are some simple home remedies that can be helpful in dealing with constipation during pregnancy,   
  1. Dates: the most effective remedy for the most stubborn case of constipation is dates. Dates are packed with beta D glucan which is a dietary fiber that helps battle poor bowel motility successfully. Dates add bulk to the feces, check sluggishness and reduce the transit time within the colon. Have 3 to 5 date every night. What’s more, dates are chockfull of iron as well, thus, they help prevent anemia.
  2.  Figs: Dried figs are equally effective in the management of constipation. Soak about 3 to 5 figs in water and consume them after ½ an hour. Drink the water as well.
Drink 12 Glasses of Water Everyday
Constipation and Pregnancy: Diet Tips for Pregnant Women
Here are some dietary tips to help you pass motion regularly during pregnancy,
  • Make sure that your diet has plenty of high fiber foods such as legumes and beans, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Eliminate denatured and refined foods such as white sugar, refined flour, fatty and greasy foods, cookies, biscuits and cakes. They tend to make you constipated.
  • Drink at least 12 glasses of water daily. A glass of warm water with one lime early in the morning helps regulate bowel movements. Incorporate herbal teas, broths and soups in to the daily menu. Steer clear of caffeinated and carbonated beverages; they act as diuretics and dehydrate you.
Constipation Relief during Pregnancy

Here are some lifestyle tips that need to be followed during pregnancy to avoid constipation and ensure an happy and lively pregnancy experience,  
  • Start your morning in a relaxed and stress-free manner, if possible, with a warm beverage
  • Eat fresh and lightly cooked foods, high fiber cereals and fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed, refined, pre-cooked, and instant meals.
  •   Incorporate these in to the everyday menu: mint, basil, caraway seeds, fennel seeds, prunes, raisins and sweet limes. These are amazing digestive aids that promote good bowel motility, dispel wind and perk up digestion and assimilation.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Insomnia and Pregnancy: Sleeping Positions and Home Remedies to Treat Sleeplessness

Many women say that it is difficult to sleep during pregnancy because they can’t get comfortable enough, or have leg cramps, or need to go frequently to the bathroom or are anxious about the baby's arrival. This article provides information about the factors responsible for insomnia during pregnancy and provides important tips for ideal sleeping positions and home remedies to help you get adequate sleep during pregnancy.

Insomnia during Pregnancy: What Causes It?

With so many emotional and physical changes taking place, it is not astonishing that almost 8 out of 10 women suffer from insomnia during pregnancy. While there is no clear cause that is responsible for insomnia during pregnancy, here are some factors that may contribute to sleeplessness,

    Insomnia during Pregnancy is rather Common
  • In the first 3 months of pregnancy, anxiety, exhaustion and fatigue and morning sickness affect the quality of sleep.
  • In the second trimester, an overactive mind, restless leg syndrome and leg cramps cause insomnia.
  • In the third trimester general discomfort and the need to frequently visit the washroom keeps you awake all night. 
  • Common discomforts of pregnancy, such as, backache, general discomfort, the need to urinate frequently, indigestion and acidity, and leg cramps are the principal causes for sleeplessness during pregnancy.

Pregnancy and Sleeping: Sleeplessness during Pregnancy

Even if you’ve been a heavy sleeper, it is quite normal to toss and turn during pregnancy. At times, you just can't get comfortable, and sleep remains extremely elusive. Here are a few home remedies, dietary do’s and don’ts and sleep positions that will promise you a good night’s rest.

Insomnia in Pregnancy: How to Manage It?

Here are some simple lifestyle tips that can help manage sleeplessness during pregnancy,
  • About half an hour before bedtime, have a warm, relaxing bath, listen to soothing music, and ask your partner to rub your feet.
  • Once you get in to bed, practice progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery; these techniques help induce peaceful sleep.
  • Ensure that the room has a comfortable temperature, dark-colored curtains to keep out unwanted light, and is not too noisy.
  • If you aren't asleep in an hour after getting into bed, get up and walk around. Read a magazine or listen to music, and then get back to bed.
  • In case sleep is still as elusive as ever, don’t worry. Becoming increasingly fretful and restless worsens the condition.

A Glass of Warm Milk Induces Sleep
Home Remedies to Treat Sleeplessness in Pregnancy: Natural Cures for Insomnia during Pregnancy

Here are some simple home remedies that can help induce sleep during pregnancy,
1.      Warm milk: Have some warm milk before bedtime; it is known to induce sleep. L-tryptophan, an amino acid that is found in milk brings on sleep by increasing serotonin levels (a neuro-transmitter). Do not take tryptophan supplements; they are dangerous during pregnancy.

2.      Protein snacks: Experts recommend a high protein snack before going to bed to help maintain normal blood sugar during the night. You could opt for milk and whole cereal, an egg, a sandwich or a smoothie. Furthermore, keep a bland, dry snack, such as, toast or pretzels, or crackers, by the bedside in case you awaken feeling nauseous. In case you are prone to dyspepsia and acidity do not have a large meal late in the day; lying down after a heavy meal aggravates the condition.

3.      Nutmeg: Nutmeg has proved to be decidedly beneficial in inducing sleep. Grate the spice and add less than 1 pinch in to warm milk or warm water and consume. Nearly all spices and herbs can be used safely during pregnancy. However, huge quantities could trigger miscarriage or premature labor. You must consult your gynecologist before taking nutmeg for insomnia.

Sleeping Positions during Pregnancy

Having an appropriate sleeping position is very important to help get a refreshing sleep during pregnancy. Here are some tips related to sleeping positions during pregnancy,

  • Using pillows for support will help you have a peaceful slumber. Tuck a pillow in-between your bent knees; it helps support the lower back and makes you more comfortable when you sleep. Sleep on your side; you may also place a pillow behind your back to maintain a side-position while you sleep.
  • In case, you suffer from dyspepsia, heartburns/ retrosternal buring and acidity, place an extra pillow to raise your head while sleeping.
  • For lower back pain and hip pains, use a foam mattress pad on your mattress; it will help you sleep more comfortably.
  • Buy body-length pillows, U-shaped pillows, and C-shaped, bolsters and wedges that support your belly; these help sleep better.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Leg Cramping during Pregnancy: Treating Leg Spasms Naturally

Resting your feet and sinking in to the mattress should be a welcome relief from the strenuous day, however, leg pain due to spasms in the calf muscles during pregnancy can be a major source of discomfort. Leg Cramps can be treated promptly with simple home remedies and exercises. Here is a bit of information about treating leg spasms during pregnancy naturally.

Leg Cramps at Night are Fairly
 Common during Pregnancy

Leg Cramps in Pregnancy: Leg Spasms during Pregnancy

Leg cramps manifest as painful spasms through the calves that are felt particularly at night. Leg spasms may radiate up and down the calves during the day, but they are more evident at night when fluid accumulation and exhaustion are at their peak Calf cramps during pregnancy become more obvious during the 2nd and 3 rd trimesters and learning to deal with them is important.
Night leg cramps are painful, sudden, involuntary contractions of muscles of the leg. By and large, the calf muscles are involved, but, muscles in the thighs and feet may cramp as well.

What Causes Leg Cramps During Pregnancy? Leg Cramps at Night Causes

Common etiological factors for leg cramps during pregnancy include:
  • Excessive and sudden weight gain
  • Inadequate intake of water
  • Compression of blood vessels in the legs due to the blooming uterus
  • Pressure on the nerves going from the trunk to the legs
  • A deficiency of calcium and / or magnesium
  • Pregnancy hormones
Leg Cramps While Sleeping: Leg Spasms at Night

In case you get a cramp while sleeping, stretch your calf muscles immediately. Straighten the leg, heel first, and gently move the toes towards the shin. At first it will hurt, but gradually, the spasm will go away. Massaging the muscle or warming with a hot water bottle helps as well. Restless leg syndrome has been covered separately in another topic.

How to Treat Leg Cramps During Pregnancy?: Natural Treatment for Leg Pain

Here are some simple tips that will help you manage leg cramps effectively,
  • To relieve leg cramps and relieve leg pain during pregnancy, straighten your leg and gently flex the ankle and toes to and fro.
    Stay well Hydrated
  • Before retiring for the night, stand 2 feet away from a wall and place your palms flat against it. Lean forwards, and hold the stretch for 15 seconds, and then relax. This exercise technique helps allay spasms successfully.
  • Sit comfortably on the floor, with your feet stretched out in front of you. Now, gently, push the toes away from the body and hold for 10 seconds. Release. Then, brig the toes close to the body and hold for 10s seconds. Release. Repeat this about 5 times; and perform this exercise twice daily.
  • Ensure that your water intake is good; you must drink 12 glasses daily.
  • Incorporate foods that are good sources of calcium (milk and its products and fish) and magnesium (fresh fruits and vegetables and nuts). Supplements are advocated as well; however, it is vital that you confer with your gynecologist before embarking up on any supplementation.
  • Avoid standing or sitting for prolonged intervals of time.
  • Don’t exert yourself; take sufficient rest. Lie down on your left side to augment blood circulation in the legs.
Remedies for Leg Cramps during Pregnancy: Home Remedies for Leg Spasms during Pregnancy

Here are some simple home remedies and natural treatment options for the effective management of leg pain during pregnancy,  
  • Before bed time, soak your feet and legs up to the calves in warm water for about 15 minutes. Follow this up with a foot rub. This is decidedly soothing and will keep leg cramps at bay. What’s more, soaking your feet in warm water also induces peaceful sleep.
  • Massaging the feet, ankles and calves with warm sesame oil or essential oils is vastly beneficial. Use firm pressure up the legs and gentle strokes down the legs. Around the ankles, make gentle circles; they feel good and relaxing.
  • Stretch the calf muscles frequently through the day. Revolve the ankles and wriggle your toes when you sit. Take a short walk daily, unless your gynecologist has informed you not to.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What are Braxton Hick’s Contractions?: Home Based Treatment for False Labor

During the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy, sometimes earlier, you may feel the muscles of the uterus contracting. These contractions may last for up to 1 minute. John Braxton Hicks, an English doctor first described these contractions in 1872.

Distinguishing Braxton Hicks from True Labor
Understanding Braxton Hicks Contraction: False Labor

Braxton Hicks contractions are random, sporadic contractions of the uterus that commence in the 6th week of pregnancy, even though you may not notice them that early on. You will probably them sometime during the 2nd trimester / mid-pregnancy. Some women do not experience Braxton Hicks at all. As the pregnancy progresses, these contractions come on oftener, but remain irregular, infrequent and painless. Conversely, sometimes, it is difficult to differentiate Braxton Hicks contractions from pre-term labor.

Braxton Hick’s or Real Contractions:Do Braxton Hicks Contractions Hurt?

By and large, Braxton Hicks tend to be irregular, infrequent and essentially painless; nonetheless, they may be painful in some cases.
Labor contractions are distinctly longer, regular, frequent and painful compared to Braxton Hicks. What’s more, labor pains increase in frequency, duration and intensity, whilst Braxton Hicks are non-rhythmic and irregular. Braxton Hicks contractions decrease in intensity and stop when you change positions.

As the pregnancy advances, Braxton Hicks contractions become intense and somewhat painful at times. At times, they may feel like labor pains. Yet, the contractions will be irregular in frequency, intensity and duration, and tend to diminish and vanish after some time.
What Causes Braxton Hicks Contractions?: What Do Braxton Hicks Feel Like?

Fetal Movements trigger Braxton Hicks Contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions are usually triggered by:
  •  Exertion and physical activity
  • Muscle stiffness or tiredness
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Touching your abdomen
  • Dehydration due to diarrhea
  • Movement of the baby
Braxton Hicks are illustrated as a tightening in the abdomen; the contractions usually come and go. Characteristically, they are irregular, random and not painful. They tend to taper off in some time and disappear altogether.

How to Manage Braxton Hicks Contraction Pain?: Home Based Treatment to Manage Braxton Hicks Contraction

The following guidelines will help you manage Braxton Hicks contractions:
  • Change your position. Sometimes walking will proffer relief; whilst at other times, resting relieves the contractions.
  • A warm bath helps your body to relax and calm down. Warm Bath causes vasocontriction which in turn helps relive symptoms of false labor.
  • Drink 2 to 3 glasses of water, occasionally, the contractions may be triggered by dehydration.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques; they will calm you and help deal with the contractions.
Home Remedies for False Labor: Braxton Hicks Contraction Natural Treatment

Here are some simple home based and natural treatment for the management of false labor pain or Braxton Hicks Contractions,
  • Add a teaspoon of Cinnamon to a glass of warm milk. This home remedy is considered to be very useful in the management of false labor.
  • Deep fry a few cumin seeds and pour them into a glass of water. Filter the concoction and drink it after cooling it. This is an efficient treatment for the management of Braxton Hicks contractions.  
  • Regular consumption of drumsticks in your diet can also alleviate the pain associated with false labor contractions. 
  • Homeopathic remedies like Sepia and Pulsatilla are also useful in the management of false labor pain or Braxton Hicks contractions.  
Preacuations for False Labor: Seeing your Doctor for Braxton Hicks Contraction

You need to call your health care provider immediately in case you have not reached 37 weeks and the contractions are becoming rhythmic, frequent and painful, or if you notice any of the following:
  • Cramps and abdominal pain, more than 4 contractions in an hour
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Increase in vaginal discharge
  • A sensation that the baby is pushing down
  • Lower back pain