Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tips for Breast Feeding: Importance of Breast Feeding among Newborns

Breast milk has the most appropriate balance of nutrients for your baby's developmental needs for the first few months of her life. However, most first time mothers find breast-feeding rather taxing. Here are some simple tips to promote breastfeeding and make the process easy and trouble free. You may also follow a ‘breastfeeding diet’ to make certain that you’re eating right and producing plenty of milk.

Importance of Breast Feeding: Why is it important to Breast feed my Newborn?

There are a host of benefits that are associated with breast feeding. Most experts suggest that mothers should exclusively breast feed their newborn for at least six months, unless suggested otherwise by your pediatrician. Breast feeding is loaded with several health and developmental benefits,
  1. Breast milk is natural and more easier to digest compared to commercial formula
    Breastfeeding Provides
    Several Benefits to the Baby
  3. Breast milk contains several antibodies that protect the baby from infections and strengthens the immune system
  4. Breast feeding helps in creating a sense of bonding between the mother and the child
  5. Breast feeding is also associated with lower risk of gastric infections or abdominal colic as compared to formula milk.
  6. Breast fed children are more active and energetic compared to formula fed newborns
How to Breast Feed? Breastfeeding Tips for Mothers

Here are some important tips that can be useful for breastfeeding mothers. These tips are handy for first time mothers,

  • The first time you breastfeed, ask for help. Maternity nurses, your OB/GYN, the pediatrician or a lactation consultant can recommend breastfeeding tips - how to position the baby and ensuring that he is latching on properly.
  • Knowing the Right Technique
    of Breast Feeding is important
  • When you breast feed, make sure that you are comfortable. Support yourself with pillows. Cradle your baby close to the breast, instead of bending over or learning forward. Hold the baby's head with one hand. Persuade your baby to open his mouth wide, so that he will take in part of the areola. Look for regular sucking and swallowing.
  • If you want to disengage your baby from the breast, free the suction by introducing your finger into the corner of the baby's mouth.
  • Newborns feed every 2 - 3 hours
  • Let your baby feed from one breast completely, until the breast feels soft; this usually takes around 20 minutes. Then burp the baby. Thereafter, offer the other breast. If your baby is still hungry, he will latch on. If not, commence the next breastfeeding session with the second breast. In case your baby constantly feeds only on one breast, pump the other breast to alleviate pressure and safeguard the milk supply.
  • When your baby latches on, you will experience a gentle pulling sensation on the breast. The breasts will feel full and firm prior to the feeding, and softer and emptier subsequently.
  • To ensure that your baby is feeding well, watch his weight gain, see if he has at least 6 wet diapers daily, is content and happy in between feeds, and the stools are yellow and semi solid.
  • Whilst bathing, reduce the amount of soap that comes in contact with the nipples. Use breast pads in case the breasts leak in between feeds.
Confer with a
Lactation Consultant
Breast Feeding Tips: Know about Breast Feeding

Do not get discouraged if you find breastfeeding tougher than you expected. Feeding a baby every few hours can be very tiring, and it's okay to have a slow start.
Remember that the more often you feed, the more milk your breasts will manufacture. Talk to your health care provider or a lactation consultant if every feeding is painful or your baby fails to gain weight.
Your nipples may feel sore and tender for the first few weeks; it should resolve thereafter, breastfeeding isn't supposed to be painful. 

Breast Feeding Diet

Here are some simple diet tips that will help you improve the production of milk and be beneficial in general,
  • Make sure you consume a wholesome and healthy diet. Incorporate whole grains, legumes and fresh fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to take a multi vitamin and multi mineral supplement.
  • Stay well hydrated and consume lots of fluids. Avoid aerated and caffeinated beverages.
  • Sleep well and take adequate rest.
  • Be careful about what medications you take and always check with your health care provider.
  • Ask your pediatrician about giving your baby a vitamin D supplement, particularly if you are entirely breastfeeding. Breast milk may not supply sufficient amounts of vitamin D, and taking a supplement is advocated.

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